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Ancient Grains - Emmer Wheat (5 gal)

Usually ships within 48 hours
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    • The 5 gallon super pail contains 36 lbs of Emmer Berries.
    • Packaged as a Super Pail to maximize long-term storage of grains, which means we use a white HDPE (food grade) bucket with a 4.3MIL mylar bag placed inside, and a 2000CC oxygen absorber inside the heat sealed mylar bag to maintain freshness, reduce moisture, bugs, and waste. A sealed lid is set once the mylar bag and contents are sealed.
    • USDA Certified 100% Organic Emmer Berries (the whole grain). Premium food grade.
    • Excellent for sprouting*, milling flour for baking, or used as a whole grain for salads, pilafs and soups.
    • We recommend milling your own flour; the nutrients are better preserved and the flour is as fresh as it can be.
    • Plus, your purchase is secured by our 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee.
    • You can also apply for apply for bulk or wholesale pricing if you want to resell, setup a group order, or order large quantities (over 1000LBS).


Certified 100% Organic & Glyphosate Free:

    • All of our einkorn is grown without the use of herbicide, pesticides, or manufactured fertilizers.
    • That means we also do not use Roundup®, fulvic acid, 2-4-D, or any other chemical.
    • Not only do we NEVER use glyphosate but we also test our einkorn berries to certify that they are free of glyphosate!.


Important Shipping Info:

    • Pick up at Fresh Harvest Market - 1420 19th St. Bakersfield, Ca 93301
    • Call us at (661) 569-0419 for details about shipping options available and the best way to order so you get the most out of your shipping.


*Hull removal affects germination rate, which we tested and found to be 40-50%.

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