Red Sandalwood Chips

$6.95 - $27.95
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Step into the exotic allure of Fresh Harvest Market's Red Sandalwood Chips, where ancient traditions and natural beauty converge.

Red sandalwood, scientifically known as Pterocarpus santalinus, is a highly valued herb with a rich history in traditional medicine and cultural practices. It is native to southern India and is revered for its vibrant red heartwood, which is often used to produce aromatic chips, powders, and oils. In traditional Ayurvedic medicine, red sandalwood is believed to possess a variety of therapeutic properties, including anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and analgesic effects. It is commonly used to treat skin conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis, as well as to promote relaxation and relieve stress when used in aromatherapy.

Beyond its medicinal uses, red sandalwood holds cultural significance in various rituals and ceremonies. In Hindu traditions, it is frequently used in religious ceremonies, offering a symbol of purity and auspiciousness. The wood is also prized for its use in making incense and dyes, adding its distinctive hue and fragrance to spiritual and decorative practices. Despite its popularity, red sandalwood is considered endangered due to overexploitation and illegal harvesting, leading to conservation efforts to protect this valuable herb and its natural habitats.