Buddha Teas Fenugreek Seed

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In the Know

Scholarly text reveals that fenugreek was originally cultivated in the Middle East, and could be as old as 4000 BC. An annual plant that sprouts oval, elongated shaped leaves, fenugreek doesn't need a lot of water to thrive. Thus, even though the largest producing country of fenugreek is India, you can also find it growing in countries such as Afghanistan, Argentina, Morocco, Nepal, Spain, and Turkey.

What Exactly is Fenugreek Seed?

Thousands of years ago, Ayruvedic practitioners discovered fenugreek to assist with certain health conditions. Additionally, fenugreek has long been included as a spice for various dishes. All parts of the fenugreek plant are used in various cuisines in certain parts of the world, but you'll usually find it included in Indian foods. When harvested as a microgreen, fenugreek is prepared, along with the seeds, for salad. It is an ingredient in the popular Indian spice blend, garam masala. Used as a supplement, fenugreek seeds are ground and put into capsules.

Interesting Notes About Fenugreek Seed

With abundant seemingly proven benefits garnered from numerous studies, it appears that including Buddha Teas Fenugreek Seed Tea into your health routine simply makes sense.

What does Fenugreek Seed Tea Taste Like?

The immense delight of our Buddha Teas Fenugreek Seed Tea begins with its subtle, happy yellow-green tone, akin to the gemstone heliodor, which translates from Greek as "gift of the sun." One sip of this warming herbal tea and you'll definitely agree: what a little known treasure! Unknown to some cultured tea drinkers, we're convinced that when you discover the pleasantly spicy, uniquely earthy flavor of our Buddha Teas Fenugreek Seed Tea you'll wonder why it's taken you so long to meet your new BTF (Best Tea Forever).

How to Brew Fenugreek Seed Tea

Buddha Teas Fenugreek Seed Tea needs a good boil and nice long steep to extract its full flavor and optimum benefits. We like to cover our cups while steeping as well.


Those who suffer peanut or chickpea allergies should stay away from fenugreek. Other contraindications exist, including during pregnancy, so if in doubt, please check with your health practitioner prior to consuming Fenugreek Seed Tea.

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